When do you ship items?

We ship out items every Tuesday - no matter what day your order was received. We will email your tracking information once we have processed your order.

Do you grow the mushrooms used in your products?

No, we do not grow the mushrooms used in our products as of May 21, 2023. We do, however, take the sourcing of our ingredients extremely seriously and the source of our mushrooms is paramount to our company. After the new year, we hope to publish the growers we support as we are committed to ethical supply chain management. We are also dedicated to transparency as a company and look forward to offering this information. OUR INTENTION IS TO START OUR OWN WOMEN RUN MUSHROOM FARM in JANUARY 2024.

Please donate to our farm fund here.

Do you sell psychedelic products?

Unfortunately, the answer is no, we do not currently sell any products with psychedelic mushrooms. We are staunch advocates of decriminalizing nature movements around the globe. Vital Fungi, as a company, does not support the Natural Medicine Health Act of Colorado. We believe that all humans should have unregulated access to entheogens. We believe in the power of psychedelic medicine and cannot wait to offer products with psilocybin.

Are you hiring?

We are always looking to grow our team with people who are stellar in their skill set, believe in the power of fungi and truly care about making the world a better place. Please email us info@vitalfungi.com for more information. Please put Seeking Employment in the subject line.

Is your company vegan?

Our company is plant based and mushroom forward. We do use bee products because we know and believe in the power of bee medicine. We exclusively use honey products from our wonderful friends over at

Bjorn's Honey.

Is your company organic & non-GMO?

Yes, we are dedicated to organic and non-GMO as a standard. Towards this end, we only use ingredients that are rooted in organic agriculture. WE believe non-GMO is a human right. We never, ever compromise the integrity of our products with anything less than organic, which we believe should be the standard. We also believe that your skin care should be good enough to eat! All of the ingredients in our products are made with food grade ingredients.